Tada! It's e most exciting dae of e week as weili & i had been looking forward to it. (Tues, 29th May) So wat's up den? It's going to e Shrek 3 movie preview. Muhahaha.. & it's totally free-of-charge.. Isn't tis fantastic? We gotta see e movie in advance without paying for a single cent. Noe how we did it? Jus bcos we spend $50 in one of e shops of cine & we're entitled to tis. We happened to see e promotion in a small corner of cine. OMG! Weili & i were really excited abt it. But wei an & ch didn't really tink so. Nvm.. Who cares abt dem anyway. Oops! Haha :p
E movie was really really very funny.. I tink tat it's better den e 2nd episode (although i dun really rmb e previous episode. LOL!)
After it, e 4 of us went for dinner at centrept Mac (wei an wanted to eat shaker fries. Cute sia!) & had quite alot of talk. Some photos taken too (",) But.. I forgot to take a pic wif Shrek & e shaker fries. Aww~ Wat a waste..
Oh.. & a little bit to add in. Ch's car was covered wif lots of bird shit when we were abt to leave. (he parked his car at e open carpark outside cine) Haha.. God bless! ^.^

Shrek 3 poster (found it on internet)all e fairy tales princess ^.^
centrepoint Macdonald
wow! wei an & weili look very compatible sia >.<
mi & ch oso same.. Haha :)
wei an & weili candid shot 1
candid shot 2 (i like tis one alot, really looks funny :p)
2inlove outside Macdonald (",)
a photo of e 4 of us.. i tink it's quite weird.. (dun u tink so?)