It's really been a long time since all e 4 of us gathered for dinner.
Yes tat's right! Jus e 4 of us.. Haha :)
Went to orchard's waraku last sat & have a so-so jap food.
Had a fantastic gal's private tok & i'd discovered so many secrets.. OMG! Haha..
Let's have more gatherings like tis in future. It's a great experience ^.^
weili's soba
ym's weird jap dunno wat food
fang's as usual noodles
my jap so-call mee hoon kueh
free ice cream for us (bcos we're so pretty :p)
actually is bcos e new staff there spilled water on our table
therefore we got it as a complimentary (",)
Went to orchard's waraku last sat & have a so-so jap food.
Had a fantastic gal's private tok & i'd discovered so many secrets.. OMG! Haha..
Let's have more gatherings like tis in future. It's a great experience ^.^
therefore we got it as a complimentary (",)