I rmb that I mentioned previously in one of the posts that I wanted to talk about my sister. It's under the I HATE MY SISTER post I think.
So let's start. I'll talk about recent incidents. Ytd, I was at my punggol home pretty early around 9pm. My sister came back soon around 9pm plus as well (surprisingly as she always comes back around 3am in the morning on sat). She started to take out her long-time-ago cross stitch and began stitching. She just kept stitching till 1am plus despite the fact that I told her to take a bath first as it's very late. Then, she went to cook instant noodles at 2am and left all the dishes unwashed.
You see, the problem is, if you want to eat then eat early. If not, washed all the dishes after you finished eating. She's 26 this year HELLO! Before I could reprimand her, my mum was washing everything for her. Come on, what's her problem? I told her off and she kept mum as she knows she's in the wrong. She was happily doing her own stuffs and then create inconvenience for others. She's so unfilial and inconsiderate. She never gives a single penny to my mum since she started working (4-5 years ago) and sometimes, she even asked my mum for money.
Another thing I don't like about her is her super inconsiderate attitude to others, especially me. She can apply the stomachache oilment in the middle of the night just because she's having a stomachache. Can't she just visit the toilet? Is she a child? After applying, she locks the bedroom door, draws the window curtain and let the strong oilment smell circulate in the bedroom. OMG! How can I breathe and sleep in the same room with her?
She simply has too much bad habits to talk about and definitely not done in a few pages. I'll talk about more next time. To your info, she slept till 3pm this afternoon. Don't you think that she can really sleep huh. Oh, I almost forgot to mention her name. Yap Yong Theng is her name. If you are curious about her looks, you can search for her facebook under the name Ting Ting Yap. Yes! Don't doubt about our relationship. It's terrible.
By the way, I was kind of crazy over 修杰楷 lately therefore I posted a MV acted by him. So suave and handsome :)
