I bought a book recently and it really made my day just with it's jokes. It actually taught us the survival way in this world and I really thought that it was funny but at the same time useful :) Therefore, I decided to share it with all my blog supporters. Enjoy (",)

Chao Gan DongThe lead character of the book and she is a computer game freak. Had an unrealistic personality where she hopes upon high without putting in effort. Does things on a 3-min enthusiasm basic. Often comes to work late and skives during work. Loves to gossip. Likes to delay work. Eat finish sleep, sleep finish eat. A typical lazy person. BUT she has an optimistic character which makes the events and things that happened around her to be very interesting.
Yu Xiao HuaGan Dong’s boyfriend, he is honest and boring at the same time. He only had Gan Dong this one girlfriend. He is also a computer game freak like Gan Dong. They always quarrel over small and trival matters but the following day he will buy some desserts to apologize. The both of them get along very well.

Gan Dong NiangChao Gan Dong’s Mum, a typical housewife. Had a kiasu and likes to pick up cheap bargain character. She’s very worried about Gan Dong’s laziness resulting in not getting her to marry out, therefore she keeps nagging at Gan Dong. Her biggest wish is to have a grandchild asap.
Gan Dong DieChao Gan Dong’s Dad, a seasoned smoker. He has bad memory and likes to play mahjong therefore he loses the game most of the time. He has great cooking skills and cooks most of the time. He never planted a living plant successfully and he blames the weather for it. He loves his daughter very much and is a 24hr good dad.

Xiao KaiHad lots of crazy ideas and loves to womanize. Self assume that he has a lot of charm around women. But has been single for 26 years and for your info, still single at the moment. Likes branded stuffs, pretty ladies, delicious food and he really knows how to enjoy life. His character is very chubby.
Juan MaoHas a very mature look, looking 45 years old but in actual only 25. He has no girlfriend, likes to drink. He often brings his beer smell to work. He was a problematic person in office but works efficiently and has a weird character.

Ai MiShe works in the planning department and she is Gan Dong’s good friend. Her character is very calm and steady which is very different from Gan Dong. She’s very meticulous and her favorite pastime is cooking. Often bakes cakes and cookies to share with everyone but the taste of her food makes people frighten.
Xiao HuaShe’s simple minded and blur. Loves to watch idol dramas, always fascinate to become the main female lead. Doesn’t like to dress herself up and thinks that putting on makeup is a form of deceiving. Likes natural beauty but from her hairstyle we can know that how worse she is.

Ah ZhaiAs his name is, he is a homely and lives in his own world guy. But he doesn’t think the same way. He is a weird person. His biggest wish is to have a romantic dinner with Japanese AJ star Ye Xi Ya. When he is angry, he would emit smoke from his head. Likes to read novels and submitted scripts often but was requested not to submit again by the publishers.
Xu JieShe’s the Human Resource Manager. She acts as a human sound detector. She likes to complain about other colleagues. When there is gossip around, she’ll be around as well. Still single and is a fierce character. People got scare of her when they see her.

Chen ZongThe supervisor of Gan Dong’s company. He’s very afraid of his wife. He has a very bad temper and is extremely stingy. He’s the company’s BIG DEVIL. But overall, he’s still considered as a good supervisor.
Xiao Cao MeiFrom her name you can know that she’s a strawberry person (typical ignorant young girl). She’s the niece of Chen Zong. She does her work inefficiently and likes to nag. She spends all her salary on the day she receives it. Despite all these, she is still consider as kind in nature, loves to help others but is a little bit busy body.

Ah GanLike Xiao Hua a lot. His actions and speeches often left a big question mark on people around him. He likes small animals a lot. He works in the business department of the company. His image is very blur to others and the mouse on his head is called Xiao Zhi.
Xiao WeiHas a very fiery temper but treats Ai Mi very gentle. His interest is exploring shares but he doesn’t buy any because he’s afraid of losing everything. He buys lottery every week and hopes that someday he might be the one winning the 1st prize.
PS: I would upload those interesting contents soon so stay tuned :)