Thursday, August 09, 2012

Potluck date with 4inl0ve - 18Jun12

Hello~ It's high time to blog! This page has become a deserted place for some time and I can't even bear to see this going on anymore.

Well well, a little update on us. We've all been busy with our lives, work, family, friends and health. But they're all getting on fine so don't worry too much. *I guess nobody really cares about us. LOL!

Recently, we've planned a potluck gathering at Horsey's office. Seriously, no one is with me, except myself. The girls dislike cooking and preparing stuffs which are tedious but in the end, we're still going on with the plan. YEAH!

EVENT: Potluck date with 4inl0ve
DATE: 18-Jun-12, Saturday
VIPS: 4inl0ve, Guoyi and Chee Hong
HIGHLIGHT: Sumptuous spread prepared / bought; Mahjong; Movie-in-the-office; and Gossip

I believe it'll be a great event so let's look forward to it (and pray hard that food that was prepared could be consumed)! Cheers!

*Note: VIPS are subject to change.