Monday, March 27, 2006

monday blues

Woke up tis morning wif a serious headache yeah, and it follows me all the way to wrk. Sianz~ Wonder if it is related wif monday blues~ haiz.. but now is better le.

Just visited mich's blog and saw e commotion on e tagboard yeah. hmm.. wat can i say leh.. mayb tt "annonymous" is damn bo liaoz or wat lah, trying to make a scene and a fool out of him/her-self there. Or mayb tts wat happen to those loner who are trying to attract attention.. P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C. Juz hope tt mich dun tak her words to heart and take care yeah. (Michelle is definitely a nice and sweet gal's name.) **=)

Quoted weili & mich's conversation from mich's blog: "talking about chalets, still not very sure if there'll be any annual chalet not.cos... 4inlove got their own reason, or perhaps they think so much.well, if there is one.. 4inlove don't worry! i will sure look forward to it as well as 4inlove's crew members k! =)weili asked how i will be celebrating my birthday.seriously i've got no idea how to celebrate it this year, any suggestions?"

Talking abt e =annual chalet= ,HA-HA-HA.. i can easily summarise in 1 sentence. "What truly exist is only the name. Not the fun, not the bond." =) You pple should understand wat i mean yeah.

Mich's b'dae is coming loh! 14th May! Gals, lets start getting the pressy ready loh~ ;p How about wrapping eugene up and post him to her door at 12am using Fedex?!? lolx!
No matter wat, do not leave 4-in-love out if u do have any celebration oh~! hee..
I suggest going to MOS!! lolx!

Ok, back to do my thingy liao. Miss you pple.. lets have gathering before schl starts!

-fAnG tInG-

Friday, March 24, 2006


wah, see weili go taiwan very fun man! think mayb we should organise an overseas outing after our year 3! hehe.. excited! Cos after graduation, some will b going "U" and some might start wrking le, by then its more difficult to arrange for outing liao lor~ okok? set ah! haha! aiya, mayb those who are interested can start saving money? Of cos is the more the merrier lah! =p
My attachment frien juz came back from thailand, bangkok, and he told me tt over there is not only fun but CHEAP! wahaha! tts wat i'm after man, if u all dun mind can we go there for our 1st stop?!? hee.. if not japan, korean all those place so ex! hmm, dunno lah, we'll decide again yeah.
Noe wat, yest when i waiting for bus at bus-stop, there's a group of aunty speaking cantonese, damn loud, noisy & irritating sia! cannot dahan, so i stand super far away from the bus-stop but still can hear them shouting(talking). Suddenly i tot of us sia, will we be lik tt when we grow old?!? ALAMAK! Tell me tts not the truth!
Gonna be back to do my thing liao.. Design a reception table cum working desk? sian.. buaiz pple.
-fAnG tInG-

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Weili's Taiwan Trip

[Fivecent Driftwood House] "This is a house make by a woman! Inside is a eating place made of lots of driftwoods..very unique! Even the bowls are also special! haha..We woman are so great! wahhaha~can u spot me? hehe.."

[I gotten a window seat!] "Gosh! Isn't this beautiful?? Its so magnificent to be able to see this azure blue sky once in a blue moon! And i doubt this kind of blue will be able to come out in paintings..hehe.."

[On my way from taipei to hualien] "This is zuan shuo zhong de pacific ocean! Cool huh?? To be able to see the stretch of pacific! haha.."

[At some temple] "You can really see a lot of temples in taiwan..and i can say that they are really supertitious! really is san bu yi xiao miao,shi bu yi da miao! wahhaha~ain't i cool? standing in front of a big dragon! LOL..."

[A place called Yehliu] "This is a place full of natural rock formations. Its an amazing array of artistic shapes created by erosion and natural forces. See the rock behind us? Doesn't it look like a queen's side view? haha~"

[Yang Ming Shan] "The tour guide told us at this time of the year usually cannot see sakura le..but we managed to see! How lucky of us! wahhah~"

[101 Shopping Mall] "I'm at the hotel near 101 shopping mall and i took this pic in my hotel room! This building looks cool..but inside nothing de..all branded and designer $$$ to buy..LOL!"

*actually there are lots more pics..but some cannot load..some while i edit become gone again..angry! I WAN TO COMPLAIN! opps*

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

woohoo.... long time since I've blogged!
work sucks
endless calls & reservations.
Yesterday's supposed to be my last day as an operator,
but the new girl's sick!
So I have to take her shift tomorrow. zzz.
Congratz to ahcai: for being attached to Mr.CH!
look forward to seeing the pics of u two on our blog soon.
yao xin fu oh!
Thanks to weili: for the top n "Tu Chan" u got for us!
dun forget to share your Taiwan trip with us,
we wanna c the pics u took over there!
Warning to ahfang: DON'T BE LATE AGAIN.

ps: Lambert's gone..... I miss him.
gonna ask him to join 4inl0ve's kBox-ing trip someday =)

Monday, March 20, 2006

ah cai b'dae

Had a nice b'dae celebration wif ah cai yest! (4-in-love, Vel & Mr Ma) ;p oh, i simply loves the top we bought for her from the mickey mouse shop at parco bugis!! wee-o-wee! nice figure man, haha! ;p Well well, let me briefly update wat we've done yest ba. =)
Plan to meet at 1pm, but postpone to 2pm but in the end onlly got to meet up at 3pm. OOPS! okok, i admit its my damn fault again. SORRY ok!! Paiseh lah haha! (i noe ym's gonna get me for this!!) "Da-jie, bu yao da wo!"lolx! ;p
But me & gy are the 1st to arrive at suki sushi (cineleisure) to wait for the seats lor! Cos they all go draw $$ lah. Haha! But its already FULL HOUSE le! All thanx to tt 2 gals dun faster go in & chop place lor. Let me end up so hungry haha! "Da-jie, bu yao da wo!" Ate alot of thingy, order alot of dishes and end up SO full.! And u noe our full is not just full oh! It's so full tt our stomach will get extreme pain if we even we laugh. Its always lik tt when we chiong buffet haha!
But the most memorable sushi buffet which we hav is still the one wif our deareat camera man pigu lor. Still rmb tt time when we were juz sitted and not yet order any food on the table, YM spilled her HOT tea! 80% at pigu and 20% at me! wah, thanks man! tts the most important thing u hav to tak note of when going out wif tt gal yeah! haha! we even challenge and see who can eat the most plate. Me & ah cai 1 group, weili & yuemei 1 group, pigu by himself! Loser have to treat coffee bean after meal, haha! But he's good yeah, still able to catch up wif us though we're 2 a group. In order not to lose, pigu, ym & wl buck up when ah cai & Iwent toilet sia. In e end of cos we lose lah, by 1 plate nia! Another thing which is very funny is tt i wanna drink watermelon juice, so pigu & ym took a piece of watermelon & keep poking it till the juice come flowing out! But when the waitress comes by, they juz pour eveything away into e misso soup bowl! omg.. gross.. misso wif watermelon..
**pigu i dun mean so harsh in my msg wan, hope u understand. 4-in-love still loves you yeah. **
Ok, continue wif yest's outing. =) After makan, we proceed downstairs and had our neo-print session! The new machine was fun! Tadah! Here it is!

After tt we went pacific plaza and get the adidas brazil jacket Mr Ma has always wanted & proceed to bugis yup. School reopen today so there's not much crowd yest, but i muz say tt bugis street is really getting warmer & warmer lik sauna sia.. I cant breathe!! so we quickly went into parco bugis instead, air-con is really shiook! And tts where we bought ah cai's mickey mouse top! haha!
Well, we went to mos burger & drink tea wif milk! haha! Its yummy and we still share 1 pathetic fries yup. Sitting there, we tok abt our lives, our relationship, and even geylang! lolx! I've nv been b4 yup but gy & ym said tt it really does looks lik those place as shown on tv & there's lot of pretty gals ard whom u'll b wondering why they were to commit themselves to such job yeah.. Conclusion is we enjoyed ourselves!
Today is monday again.. nth to do.. blogging.. gonna play online game ltr haha! buaiz!
-fAnG tInG-

Friday, March 17, 2006

coming event

woho~ dunno why our blog cant be open sia.. hmm.. but nvm lah, tink when our blog recovers den u all can see this le. Haha! Have a couple of things to update sia.. Where should i start neh.. Ok, let juz update 1 by 1. Hee..
1st: Coming monday will be our dearest ah cai's 19th b'dae LIAO....!!!!!!!!!!!!! =*) woho~! The celebration will be brought forward to this Sunday , which is 2days from now! eXcItEd!!
2nd: Celebration will be held at Jurong East Fuji Ice Palace! Dun need to say, you pple should noe tt we're going skating lah! woh..hearing the word ICE makes me shiver with cold sia. (remind me of weili still in cold cold taiwan too, haha!)
3rd: Why tis day will be super special leh.. Wahaha, cos tis event includes not only 4-in-love but all our dearest boy too oh! tt will mak it 8pax altogether, which means endless hours of fun with juz $9.20 per head, $2.10 for skater rental and extra cash needed for purchasing mittens if u dun hav 1 yeah ;p Awww, it will be juz lik family gathering sia. LOLx!
4th: oopS! forgot to mention tt our Ah Cai is ATTACHED le! Guys who are still aiming to get her can step down liao!! muahaha! Frankly speaking, tt guy is a someone whom i've never ever come face to face before. By the name of wat "Chee Hong" ?!?! omg.. (no offence) But he's such a stranger to me tt i dun even noe how to spell his name haha! But tt doesnt matter lah, wats important is the prince & the princess can live happily ever after! keke.. =)
5th: My current attachment office is going to move a place called Wessex Estate. Had a site visit tt day, e place is not at all done up yet and we're moving in on the april's fool, 1st April. Its not tt i wan to complain or scare you all man, but tt place is super ULU lor.. Its a forgotten estate along AYE, stretches along Portsdoown Road my office will lies on a side road called the woking road. Blk 24, a walk-up apartment which is 3-storey high. Even if you take bus, there's ony 1 pathetic bus, SBS 191 and it'll take you a 15min walking tme to reach the place. WTH..!! I'm gonna be working there, and further the more, my boss says tt e air-con wont be up so fast. He'll let me have the small, dark and still-air room to be my office! Thanks man, you can have it instead yeah... Faizin says mayb he'll drive, then i pester him to drive me in and out everyday haha! He also says tt he'll not b staying there later then 6.30, whereas sometimes he'll stay in e office till ard 8. It will be pitch dark after e sunset, except for the few lamp posts along the road. Somebody helppppppppp!!!!!! haha. Ok lah, at least i'm not tt scare. hoho..
Ok lah, gonna get back to work le! see u guys soon! ;p

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Open my mail this morning and receive this sweet email from our sweetie pear =) She's at taiwan loh!! Guys, check ur mail too!
From: "wei li"
Subject: weili here in taiwan
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 21:36:33 +0800
hohoho 3inlove! i'm here in taiwan safe and sound! the weather here is damn cold! 10 degrees only! brrrr...i very sian hm sick..and its only 2nd day..haiz..hope u all got miss me ar! is cai's bday going on? remember to update me o! haha..i will be back soon! hope to see u all again..haha..lots of love,weili

Haha, glad to hear from her yeah! Wah, dun you think you can feel how cold there is when she mentioned the 10degress! Really shivering sia. Do take care man, just hope tt she dun fall too sick. But it sounds really fun to visit such cold cold place man! Remember to take more photos and update blog when back k! Lolx! Now i'm looking forward to the pressy she's bringing back for us le! hohoho!!

-fAnG tIhG-

Monday, March 13, 2006

at work

Haha, no postings? Lazy pple.. Yeah, tt includes me as well.. haha!
Well, i'm in my office now. Nothing to do today.. Slacking since morning except for tidying the carpet material cabinet for awhile this morning. Abit dusty but what i'm really scare is the llittle cocroach tt will apperars at times.
Went so clark quey to have lunch at a malay store with my designer, Faizin. Busy updating my attachment log book till now cos i didnt wrote anythiing for last thurs and fri. Den today have to squeeze and recall what i've done to fill it in. At the same time, i finished my report for today's as well. LOLx.!! Cos i lazy to go home and write later liao.
Will be going to GY's hse to makan dinner and watch "WISHING STAIRS" later. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! so scary!!!!!!!!", tts wat Mr Horse will say. Haha!
Hmm, wat else should i write leh.. Oh yeah, my bus concession ends tomorrow haha, so i've to remember to "renew" it tomorrow. Must remember!! If not transport fee will be damn ex!
period on-the-way. mood swing~~~ ;p
-fAnG tInG-

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Hohoho~ wo men he yang guang wan you xi! LOL~ 4inlove and guoyi went sentosa to le together..haha..we really took a lot of pictures man! zi lian kuang..LOL~but mei nu produce beautiful pics..wad can i say! wahhahah~

Thursday, March 02, 2006


i'm super angry now cos i juz wrote a page full to be updated abt my interview today but i deleted all accidentally! WTF!! anyway, i shall juz update some photos i took wif miss LOO today. Too angry to type anymore. Juz let it be.. (ym, thanks for accompanying me to e interview =p)