Woho~ our yue^da mei zhi changed e blog skin again! =)* abit red... like ghost... but not bad lah, lolx! Suddenly have the crave to meet up wif my dear 3-in-l0ve after my wrk last sunday night (long time no see, miss u all ba ;p) sad to say, yuemei is being trapped in the cage of weimin's! big haiz.. so she didnt make it in the end. so sad.. *miss loo, pls fan xing fan xing! (seems lik u getting worse den ah cai lor~) <3-in0love> but 2-in-love still super on! ah cai even brought along CH! haha! great thanx to CH's mian bao che! without it, we won't b able to meet up and go home loh =(.. **mr ma guoyi! u better watch out next time. dun let me shame u in our blog hor** overall, we still had our superb great yummy supper at the newly renovated prata shop at thomson there! below are the photos we took. Forgot to mention tt we still meet up wif rong po, jia xi & wen bin too! **mr ma doesnt exist in my sight** bleh~! last of all, i'm sorry to rong po for waking him up early on sat morning to eat mac breakfast. hee.. i dunno u can't be disturb my pple wan.. hope u get well soon! (who ask u eat other things besides prata.. lalala..)
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