wanna keep ourselves healthy & SLIM ma =)
suppose to meet at 1pm, but when me n ah cai
call weili & ah fang to ask where they were at 1pm,
they had the cheek to say they are still at HOME!!!
weili is excused, cos she worked till 4.30am the previous night (aww... xin ku le...)
but ah fang...... don't make me pinch you the next time you're late!
we reached yew tee gym at around 2.30pm.
we tried almost all the equipments there with the help of
4inl0ve's PERSONAL instructor!!!
(no la... He's just a helpful Indian instructor there)
the gym session ended at 5.30pm.
ah fang went to meet Mr ma guo yi,
while 3inl0ve went on a buffet session at Causeway Point!!!
our effort in the afternoon was WASTED..........................................
needless to say... we enjoyed our dinner plus 3 hours of "Obasan talk" on children *LOL*
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