hey pple! look at wat i found at plaza singapura yesterday!
all chocolate lovers should make a trip down and take a look ;p

the *World's Largest Chocolate Bar*

the FACT SHEET (its the weight of 2 cars!)

top view - only manage to take the letters "ka"

it does look like a huge coffin, isn't it?!?

let me in to take a bite!!

happy day =)
watched "pirates 2" at plaza singapura with joan and his boy yesterday. its a great show! i give it a 10/10! hoho! u guys should definitely watch it! those who didnt watch "pirates 1" should watch it too! Now, i'm in love with Johnny Depp, i doubt anyone can ever replace his role sia!
went for yummy fish & co after the show. thanks mr ma for sending me home after that. muax. (but i fell asleep even before he reach home.. paiseh.. hee..) hope he'll pick me up after wrk tonite too haha! ;p
-fAnG tInG-
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