Look who's here at bbp? Tada!! It's ENERGY! Huhu~ Finally, after waiting for more than a yr, dey released their new debut album XING REN LEI. Yeah! & dey came to bbp to have their autography session. OMG! Tat's like super super gd news to mi :) First pt, bbp is SO near my house. Only 15min walk from hm. But, e most important pt is tat i can get their autograph AGAIN. Haha.. Ch & seow wei acc mi there(although not very willing). I bought 3 cds, all waiting to be signed.& guess who i saw? WEI TECK(a super nice guy from weili's class in poly)! Ooo!! He likes energy too. Haha.. (he said tat he jus happen to pass by) He bought an energy cd too. For wat purpose? My fellow frenz, u muz be curious rite. From his statement, he said he was buying for his frenz who oso likes energy. But.. After some coordination wif his fren, conclusion is tat his fren didnt really need tat so.. He is giving it to mi. OMG!! Really? I was overwhelmed wif happiness & feel like dancing around. Haha.. I insisted on giving him back e $21, although he said dun need but i insist. It's a fair & square transaction. Lastly, wei teck walked mi hm too. Thanx to WEI TECK for acc mi throughout (",)
ENERGY's big big poster
shu wei's on candid >.<
shock seow wei
sianz ch
a pic of energy fans.. Hee~
