Tuesday, November 28, 2006

999 Days Guoyi and FangTing

Hello sorry to disturb all ya holiday moods. Got something to post keke.
Dear!!! its our 999 days. and it happen on the most prob poorest moments of my life.
Assignments to meet,exams,working odds jobs. man. I wish i could make this day more magical. *bite* i have fixedup your bike for you le!! YES! we can go cycling together le hahah. PLEASE dun rain!. Thanks for everything you have given me. I just want you to know that if the
day comes, When you wear the ring. You will never regret it. We will make our dreams come
true together!! i will get you your FERRARI!! keke =P

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Thai lesson part 2 - Useful info

Thai Lesson Part 2 - Useful Info to take note
  1. There is a deep reverence for the royal family and you will find portraits of the Royal Family in shops and offices. At the cinema you must stand for the national anthem before the film is screened.
  2. Anger is regarded as crude and lacking in self discipline Remain calm and smile always.
  3. You should dress neatly in all temples. Don't go in shorts, hot pants, spaghetti straps etc. Remove your shoes when entering a private Thai home or Buddhist temple.
  4. Buddha images large or small, ruined or not, are regarded as sacred. Don't take photographs or do anything which might indicate a lack of respect.
  5. It is considered rude to point your foot at a person or object.
  6. Public display of affection is often frowned upon.
  7. Thai's regard the head as the highest part of the body and do not appreciate anyone touching their head, even as a friendly gesture.


Monday, November 20, 2006

I can see tt everybody is very very very enthu about our overseas trip nxt yr huh. LOL. Our dear Mr Eugene Chan offer a better proposal.
Country: Thailand
Air fare: $130 (Jetstar-online booking)
Accommodation: 3*** hotel (heard tt its recently build. safe and decent as wad the guys said)
Room per night: $60
Date of departure: 1st March 2007 (coz after CNY den guess everybody will have $$$ le. haha.)
How convenient?: 10mins walk to town
Total per head: should be ard $200++(2way ticket and accommodation)
So girls? How is it? Sounds cool? Look great? Haha. Worth considering ya? We should start discussing le! Wheee~

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Chilli crab Recipe

Culinary class Part 1 - Chilli crab
Step 1: Communicate with Mr. crab
"Oie.... i want to eat you"
Step 2 : Chop the crabs into 4 to 6 pieces with legs attached.
Crack the claws with a mallet or pestle.
(aww... so cruel.... but i still want to eat you *evil laughter*)
Step 3 : Heat the oil in a wok stir fry the onion & garlic,
Add the crab, sugar and tomato paste or ketchup and stir well,
continue stirring until the mixture thickens.
(gonna be ready soon!)
Step 4 : Place on a serving platter and garnish with the green onions. Serve hot.
(can you SMELL it?!)

Tada~ my lunch is ready!!! wee~

Friday, November 17, 2006

seow wei's bdae

It was seow wei's bdae ytd (",) Our whole gang went to her house(located at yishun) & celebrate it wif her. Haha.. Can u imagine a group of 13 ppl cruddling in seow wei's house, playing, eating, shouting, screaming & laughing as if nobody care? There were laughter in every corner of her house. Guess even her family oso got scared by us. LOL!! Anyway, all of us had a great time & HAPPY 19th BDAE to seow wei >.<
Yeah! It's my bdae >.< e ice cream cake was ruined..eat eat eat..poor seow wei~OMG! what is vin & von doing?emm.. stop playing wif e accessories! LOL!! candid shot by ahcai again.. Hee~
7 prisoners waiting for acknowlege
everyone wans to gif seow wei a punch..

happy family (",) emm.. i mean gang.. Haha..


Thursday, November 16, 2006

graduation trip 2007

4inlove's GRADUATION TRIP 2007


Sunday, November 12, 2006

lantern festival

sobz... i'm working and my family went chinatown to look at the deco
without me! its unfair! ;<

wen's b'dae

wen's b'dae (my manager)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

character analysis

..........Character analysis..........

Name begin with: F (fangting)
You are idealistic and romantic, putting your lover on a pedestal. You look for the very best mate you can find. You are a flirt, yet once committed, you are very loyal. You are sensuous and privately passionate. Publicly, you can be showy, extravagant, and gallant. You are a born romantic. Dramatic love scenes are a favorite fantasy past time. You can be a very generous lover.

Name begin with: W (weili)
You are very proud, determined & refuses to take no for an answer when it come to love. Your ego is at stake all the time. You are romantic, idealistic, often in love with love itself, not seeing your partner for who she or he really is. You feel deeply about love & tends to throw all of your self into a relationship. Nothing is too good for your lover. You like playing love games.

Name begin with: Y (Yong Chai & Yue Mei)
You are sensual & very independent. If you can't have it your way, you will forget the whole thing. You want to control your relationships which doesn't work out too well. You respond to physical stimulation. However if you can make money you will give up the pleasures of the flesh for the moment. You have a need to prove yourself the best. You want feedback on your performance. You are open, stimulating & romantic.


Turn ons
Capricorn are strong and dependable hence if you want to put your money on anyone it is of course this zodiac sign no matter how many difficulties (that incidentally are many) The goat has to undertake to achieve the goals. They are practical and conservative in their outlook and they expect you to blend in their color. They set certain standards for themselves in their life and they will always try to maintain those standards. For them social status and image is very important in life.

Turn offs
Do not expect a Capricorn mate to open their heart and pour everything to you. They are very secretive and reserved people. They are very thorough in all their affairs and hate any kind of sloppiness. Capricorn is very tightfisted and economical. Do not expect lavish gifts from them and if they do give you any gift (that is very rare) it will have some practical use (no romance please) but that does not mean you will be deprived of anything on the contrary you will be well provided.


Turn ons
Aquarius are friendly and fascinating people. They have in-depth knowledge about various subjects and you can converse with them for hours without getting bored. They are capable of giving a lot of love that can be amazing. They have very broad outlook about life and you can relax in their presence. They will always welcome your ideas and actions about humanitarian causes. To keep an Aquarians lover interested you must possess that mysterious and intriguing quality. Once hooked they will always be very faithful to you.

Turn offs
Do not expect or plan a normal, simple and predictable life with an Aquarius partner. Aquarius people are totally unpredictable. They can go to any direction without giving any advance notice. They are basically very restless and get very easily bored. Though they are very friendly but do not expect them to reveal their inner most feelings to you (they will never). They can be very detached and impersonal that you may find very strange. Do not be surprised by this unpredictable quality that may crop up often


Turn ons
Pisces are very sensitive and charming people. If you are looking for someone who is understanding and can understand your feelings then you have met the right person. You should appreciate their feelings too and in the time when you need them they will help you. Pisces have keenly developed sixth sense and have great intuitive powers. Their hunches may usually be on the mark. But they can exhaust their physical and mental energies. They are born dreamers and you can build palaces with your dream lover (only in real life it may become a little difficult preposition).

Turn offs
Pisces are dreamers and you should not expect them to have worldly ambitions. They are not materialistic in nature. It is not that they like living below the poverty line but they have no earnest desire to accumulate wealth. They are very sensitive and you have to be always careful about their feelings. The fishes are capable of drowning you in their tears (even men born under this sign). Pisces people are very intuitive but do not depend on them to make decision on important matters


Turn ons
Try to adapt yourself with the changing moods of the Cancer. At one moment they may be laughing and enjoying and in another moment they may cry or sulk. You may have to adjust with the moody and sensitive Cancer. They are like the tides in the ocean always fluctuating. Cancer people love food so if you know how to cook and can be poetic and romantic (added Bonus) then you know the way to their heart.

Turn offs
Cancerians are very sensitive people and can get easily hurt. So do not play with their emotions and sentiments. They are like tides that can take you with it. They form emotional bonds with even inanimate things too so do not ask them to discard old caps or souvenirs these things hold special meaning to them. You have to realize that the crabs have soft heart and are vulnerable. Do not contradict their tested line of thought and action it would only lead to confusion.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

swensen at bp

Swensen at bp plaza (",)
22th Oct 2006
Oh.. Lately, 4inlove went to swensen located at bp plaza to look for horsey. Yeah! I was working in e morning till 6pm. After waiting for ym to come, we went window shopping for a while till my legs gonna break. Waited SOOO long for fang to come(end work at 7pm but was caught in a traffic jam) when she say she'll reached at 8pm. Therefore ym & mi intended to wait for fang & weili(1st month wif kb) inside swensen. Everytink turned out well except for some..

mi & fang :)ym & weili :p e oily chicken baked rice

*NOTE: NV ORDER BAKED RICE FROM SWENSEN IF U ARE E LAST FEW CUSTOMERS!*added ingredients mushroom pizza! yummy~coit tower ice cream.. 4inlove LOVES ICE CREAM (",)shocked ym.. LOL!!wat happen to fang's face? cramp?ym pointing to e leftovers she dropped on e table horsey's out of pt kitchen frenz

Lastly, we(3inlove, horsey, ch & kb) went for late nitez movies at lot 1(ym went hm for her beauty sleep). Watched PRESTIGE but wasn't really quite understand it. Nvm.. Jus noe tat everyone were very tired, kept on yawning in e movies. Haha..

fang is back

omg!! who's back!!! its FANG-DA-XIAO-JIE!!!
people! dun be shy & dun hesitate to shout your lungs out!!!
oops!~ **ah^fang back to reality plzzz** keke ;p
heh heh, juz gotten my $$pay$$
but i think i spent them way too fast... =(
$15 - new hard disk casing
$20 - cousin's baby twins 1 year old b'dae
$30 - $$ i owe crabby & joan
$50 - mum
$52 - bus concession
$189 - a jacket suit from Ben Sherman for horsey (("v"))
.you know what. i swear i will make big money. do not doubt.
Hey! you guys smell snow coming?!? I DO~~ =p
*looking forward*