Swensen at bp plaza (",)
22th Oct 2006
Oh.. Lately, 4inlove went to swensen located at bp plaza to look for horsey. Yeah! I was working in e morning till 6pm. After waiting for ym to come, we went window shopping for a while till my legs gonna break. Waited SOOO long for fang to come(end work at 7pm but was caught in a traffic jam) when she say she'll reached at 8pm. Therefore ym & mi intended to wait for fang & weili(1st month wif kb) inside swensen. Everytink turned out well except for some..

mi & fang :)ym & weili :p
e oily chicken baked rice
*NOTE: NV ORDER BAKED RICE FROM SWENSEN IF U ARE E LAST FEW CUSTOMERS!*added ingredients mushroom pizza! yummy~
coit tower ice cream.. 4inlove LOVES ICE CREAM (",)
shocked ym.. LOL!!
wat happen to fang's face? cramp?
ym pointing to e leftovers she dropped on e table
horsey's out of pt kitchen frenz
Lastly, we(3inlove, horsey, ch & kb) went for late nitez movies at lot 1(ym went hm for her beauty sleep). Watched PRESTIGE but wasn't really quite understand it. Nvm.. Jus noe tat everyone were very tired, kept on yawning in e movies. Haha..
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