wah! big wenhan wear so formal.. still got tie leh.. Haha ^.^
wah! big wenhan wear so formal.. still got tie leh.. Haha ^.^
Thanks to the weili's 2006's x'mas gift! A small & light organiser which i always carry around to keep me alert of every single thing everyday. i doubt the other 2-in-love are using bah... *shake head* hoho...This is my company's signage. Its a WOW factor yeah!
This curve wall is where we leave our shoes before entering our office.
The customise sofa at the entrance. Make it easier for customers to take off and wear their shoes.
My favourite leisure corner. This is where i feed my dear fishes everyday after my lunch.
The customise slanted book-shelf in our material library. Everything in the library is organise & labelled by me k! *proud*
The vistor's sitting corner.
I love this classy floor laminate!
Messy store room 1.
Messy store room 2.
The left door leads to my boss's office, while the right one is a spare office.
"OFF FOR EXTENDED COFFEE BREAK" on my boss's door.
Communication zone
Pantry, where we store our tidbits & cup noodles.
Material Cutting Area
The Design Department
Schedule timeline set by me on our glass whiteboard.
My messy messy work desk.
Hey STITCH! what are you dong here?!?
Don't you think that it is such a small & cosy place? hoho...