Wah.. It's been quite some time since i last blogged. Y is everyone so busy? To e extend tat not even leaving a tag? Hai.. Nvm.. I shall update a few tinks den.. Last sat, we 4inlove went for shopping & movies in town :) I can't really rmb when was e last time tat e 4 of us really gather lidat. *Aiya! Dan fei bi jiao hong -_- LOL!* Fang & mi went for threading before meeting up wif weili & ym. *forever threading -_-* Got weili's 2007 bdae present (a peari green bikini set :p). I guess weili muz have got it for wei an to see.. Haha.. Oops! It's neo print time! Wee-u-wee (",) When was e last time we had a neo print? *Ages ago* Haha.. After all e fun, it's still not enough. We managed to pysco fang to stay wif us (wif e help of Mr Ma :p) & watched e movie Dead Silence. Met shaggly Pigu at cine wif his frenz.. Coffee bean chilled out session where we rewind back to e gd old daes in sec sch. Haha.. Wang shi zhi neng hui wei.. All went hm happily wif lots of laughter & tears.. Emm.. No tears lah.. LOL! Jia you 4inlove & fellow frenz ^.^

a brand new neo print machine which only accepts jap yen coins4inlove biting a big oishi watermelon.. yummy :p
top of e tree: ym & mi posting; bottom of e tree: fang & weili struggling to get up
a group of beauties wif horsey ^.^
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