Today, ch and mi went out for shopping in town. So wat's so special abt e shopping trip? Well.. I tink.. Tats bcos.. Oh i noe.. It's bcos it's ch & my 1st shopping trip after his 2-week confinement in tekong. Haha :p
He was like so so happy to come out but he's down wif a sore throat and cough. Poor ch :( Nvm..We went to orchard for movies (balls of fury) and some shopping. E movie was very funny and i could hear laughter everywhere in e cinema.. LOL! But.. e guy sitting in front of mi was so tall tat he blocked quite alot of my view. No choice.. Gotta sit more to e left for better view and tat resulted in neck pain after e movies.
Shopped along e shopping malls in orchard road and bugis. Bought 2 tops for $20, a digi-colour mascara for $11.60 (Fasio new blink blink mascara, golden brown).Had pepper lunch for lunch and bugis newly renovated food junction's ommelete rice for dinner. E bugis new food junction was decorated very nice wif new stalls and new system which made e whole dinner process much more enjoyable. A large variety to choose from and prices are at normal rate. So if u all happen to drop by bugis, muz go and have a look at it ^.^
took a pic of e road traffic on e way there
ch's new hair style.. Izit nice? Haha :D
ahcai is still e same old ahcai..
a pic outside e national library
wah.. so lively (",)
oh.. baked some cookies some daes ago..
rejected pieces.. OMG! LOL!
tis is my new niece.. Isn't she cute?
but she kinda looks like a boy.. Haha.. nvm.. cute means win le..
He was like so so happy to come out but he's down wif a sore throat and cough. Poor ch :( Nvm..We went to orchard for movies (balls of fury) and some shopping. E movie was very funny and i could hear laughter everywhere in e cinema.. LOL! But.. e guy sitting in front of mi was so tall tat he blocked quite alot of my view. No choice.. Gotta sit more to e left for better view and tat resulted in neck pain after e movies.
Shopped along e shopping malls in orchard road and bugis. Bought 2 tops for $20, a digi-colour mascara for $11.60 (Fasio new blink blink mascara, golden brown).Had pepper lunch for lunch and bugis newly renovated food junction's ommelete rice for dinner. E bugis new food junction was decorated very nice wif new stalls and new system which made e whole dinner process much more enjoyable. A large variety to choose from and prices are at normal rate. So if u all happen to drop by bugis, muz go and have a look at it ^.^

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