me & my colleagues have been planning a sentosa trip
since a hundred weeks ago.
But due to unforeseen circumstances,
it has been postponed week after week.
In the end, the group of us landed ourselves
at marina bay for a steamboat dinner! LOL.
at marina bay for a steamboat dinner! LOL.
Introducing......*drum rolls*
The two gay - Wayne & Gerald
ignoring the fact that he's having a cough
(btw, he prefers people calling him "Uncle" than "Baby" LOL)
my "second boss" in sales department - wei shee
weishee & xueshi
oh oh oh... and not forgetting the plan AFTER steamboat.
weishee, xueshi, wayne & me head down cineleisure
for a kbox session till 4am in the morning!
saturday kbox session = pocket bleeding session
saturday kbox session = pocket bleeding session
Steamboat (with drinks): $13 + $2
kbox : $32nett
Cab fare (share) : $10 per pax
Total spending of the day : $57 bucks!!!!!!!!!!
"Donations anyone?"
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