Ytd i attended ch's sergeant POP. I muz really praised my da da tat he's really GREAT :) Didn't let mi & himself down..
Sergeant's POP was definitely alot lot better den tekong's. LOL >.<
There was additional program (special performance of their army training inside).
Try to spot ch in e big group of NS men ^.^
Results will be reveal shortly..
e marching ground
leaders of inidividual groups marched out 1st
big troups of NS men (",)
heads looking sideways (respect)

storming their feetcan u spot ch in e group?
special performance: jumping down from building
special performance: using logs to do stunts
climb up e log so easily :)
flying man using logs.. *amazed (".)
doing their army funny dance :p
throwing their sergeant hats high in e air.. YEAH! WE GRADUATE LE!
da da & my 1st pic there.. Shag ahcai -_-
e braviest warrior on earth >.< (too exaggerate le)
finally, a much more decent pic.. not bad sia ^.^
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