WL & YM's Batam Trip - 13&14 June 2009
Day 1
0700: we left home at 7am to take the train to harbourfront ferry terminal.
0830: breakfast at mac.
0915: queueing to take ferry. need to really squeeze with those er xin people who cut queue! diao at one of them though. hahaha.
1000: the weather was good and we wave goodbye to sin and say hello to batam.
1115: arrival in batam! "we are h1n1-free!" LOL.
1145: check-in to resort and was a bit disappointed with the tiny room. but oh well, what to do? there's only the 2 of us. haa.
1215: ITS TIME FOR SPA! met up with the spa manager, ms lusi, who is a warm and friendly lady. :)
1230: had our cream bath which is actually washing our hair plus treatment(we kinda thought it was really bathing in cream. LOL.)
1330: had our lunch at the resort because we are stranded inside!
1430: went back for our full body scrub + jacuzzi + full body massage = SHIOK.
*yue insists there was someone peeking at us and insists the massge lady to draw the curtain. lol.
*ali keep saying its painful and the massage lady said that she will sayang instead. lol.
1800: DONE! its really heavenly package! 2 thumbs up!
1830: went back to room. super bored. suddenly downpour. stayed in our room and watched tv ALL THE WAY till i think midnight. (thank god they have sin channel or not we dieeeeee.)
*dinner was cup noodle + famous amos cookie (pathetic)
0000: ...and we watched till we slept.
Day 2
0700: rise and shine! both of us didnt really sleep well though. guess xu jiu is a must next time we spend our night outside. haa.
0800: the early bird catches the worm. we were the FIRST to went down for breakfast at the resort cafe (breakfast was provided but kinda cui)
0900: return back to hotel to watch doraemon. (yue simply fell asleep)
1000: met up with tour guide and off we go for our city tour! (we concluded that the city tour was better than staying in the hotel. though the itinerary is...hurhur.)
1100: who can resists keropoks? munch munch! haa.
1200: SEAFOOD LUNCH. was kinda looking forward..but then it was not as good as we expected la. but...still ok passed!
1330-1900: shopping at the batam 2 popular shopping centre which are city square and mega mall. went to polo ralph lauren shop as well. (didnt sell the bag that we wanted. sad. )
1930: its time to say goodbye.
wakie wakie breakfast at harbourfront mac.
ali is floating on the ferry.
er xin group of hardi travel. tsk tsk.
presenting our resort. heh.
the stairs to our resort is super steep!
balcony with beautiful scenery.
yue is enjoying the view.
a turtle! waving to us. LOL.
posing under the sun. haaa.
beautiful sky.
calm sea.
gorgeous! opps.
ali is excited.
no window. just sea.
after our cream bath.
dont we have some other place to take?!
oiishi lunch!!!
family cottage.
nice and big!
city tour.
coconut drink is a must!
the place we had our seafood lunch.
batam shopping centre.
dont need to doubt! its a genuine shop!
yue super enthu abt A&W.
yue and ali gobbled up all the food.
-yue and ali-