Bought a baking book in Popular recently at a special price of $5. It really is a gd book as even e tini tiny details were included. It was named MY FIRST SWEET BAKING BOOK. I really really really liked it alot and tried it's 1st recipe a few days ago. It was a recipe inspired by Absolute Boyfriend, Custard Chou a la Creme a.k.a Custard Cream Puff (Nai You Pao Fu).
I did exactly wat e recipe instructed (except for e custard part as i didn't understand e steps till i mixed up all ingredients wrongly) but.. Of course it wasn't consider a success. Who could have succeeded on e 1st attempt? E custard taste was very yummy but still room for improvement, but e puff wasn't baked as well as e recipe picture :(
My mama claimed tat i made her kitchen feel so oily after baking and i felt down. She's so not supportive. Hai.. Nvm.. I'll try again another time and with lots of other oishi recipes too.
JIA YOU! ^.^
although e bk is all in chinese, i still loved it (",)

e baked puffse mixed-up-steps custard cream
e bottom os a well baked puff :)
e bottoms of terrible-baked puffs
front of failed baked puffs
filled e bottom of e puffs with custard cream bcos of e big hole
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