It's 4inlove's K-BOX time.. We went for a singing session at clementi k-box tis wed.. *suddenly had e urge to sing aloud.. LOL!* As all e 4 of us were now working normal office hrs. We can only go in e nite.. No more k-happy for us le :( But k-student still applies.. Haha.. But, in e end, we took up a promotion package (tiger beer as our main drink) as it is cheaper. Wat to do? We smuggler drinks in. LOL!
E moment we went in our room, we turned into siao cha bo (crazy women). Singing, dancing, screaming at e top of our voices & shouting aloud. Especially when it's ENERGY's song, i was extremely excited & was very enthu.. Haha.. All those who noes mi should have noe wat e situation is like. Real crazy lor.. Jus a few hrs is not enough to let us finish singing our songs.. Hai.. But no choice, tml still gotta work mah. So went hm at 11pm. We really had a great time tat dae. Look forward to more gatherings like tis ^.^
fang & mi posting for a pic :)ym & weili too.. We really love singing :p
our beer lady (Pi Jiu Mei) LOL!
gan pai.. a toast to our friendship ^.^
hebe? oh.. was singing SHE's song..
ym actually print out SHE's new song lyrics to memorise..
fang's holding on e mike.. wif a wide smile :)
wat is tis 2 ppl doing? Dotz.. Haha..
Hai Hai.. Enthu sia..
a new look since our haircut last weekend.. Still look pretty.. LOL! *BHB -_-*
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