Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wisdom Tooth Surgery

I just had my wisdom tooth surgery a few hours ago. It was a different experience I would say.

Went into the dental at 9am and came out at 945am with two of my wisdom tooth extracted. The process? Not to mention it. I was frightened and terrified with the thought of painfulness after the surgery. I was shaking and trembling throughout the surgery. Very INTENSE. But I guess anyone would react that way if they were in the same situation as me.

I was glad that I couldn't feel any pain during the surgery because of the numb injections and this definitely calm me down a little. A few hours later, the pain came back when the numbness effect die off. I keep on tasting blood and had some difficulties in opening my mouth to change a new cloth for stopping the bleed. Yes! Its PAINFUL. But I was glad that the pain only occur to a small part of my body. I could still do my stuffs as usual without any major difficulties.

Conclusion: Wisdom tooth are of no benefits to us and therefore I encourage everyone to have them all extracted before they start to affect the other normal teethes and gums. Trust me! Don't wait till you get the surrounding teethes decayed then take action.

Take good care of your teethes and go for a regular cleaning teeth session. It reduces the chances of having bad teethes.


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