Tuesday, January 31, 2012


My health had been really bad this last month. I've had 3 headaches in a row. The 1st one hit me on my HK Trip Day 2 (what a super bad timing); 2nd one hit me last Thursday and the 3rd one hit me this early morning when I woke up. Seriously, is my health that bad?

This illness had been haunting me and I'm so so afraid of the upcoming 4th relapse. I went to the polyclinic today and asked for a referral to a head and neck scan at NUH (schedule in 5th Apr). OMG! That's 2 months from now. I'll just have to stay optimistic and relaxed all the time. Hope everything would turn out well by then. FIGHTING!

PS: I joke to my colleagues to say that there's something sitting on my neck, just like THE SHUTTER movie scene. LOL! I think I'm quite optimistic.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take care ahcai... and dun worry too much... all the best! ;p