Weili: "It's weekend! wee!"

squarting on a pole & announcing sometink? NOTE: ch's faceGot a shock to see ourselves in e pic frame; OMG! i'm going to drown..
riding on a horse or lying?; e angel & devil.. Muhahaha~
e Micky & Minnie ferry wheel jigsaw.. Wee-u-wee ^.^ 10 thumbs up!
a brand new neo print machine which only accepts jap yen coins4inlove biting a big oishi watermelon.. yummy :p
top of e tree: ym & mi posting; bottom of e tree: fang & weili struggling to get up
a group of beauties wif horsey ^.^
notice something special? It's 2 in love's shop! LOL
Naked woman at Orchard road?!
Don't-look-very-appealing steamboat
engchang's caught smiling at the camera!
eat more, eat more!
*kim guan screaming away*
a fierce battle with the prawn
kimguan: AHHH~ I'm so scared!
pretty fireworks, muddy ground.
poor ah cai is unable to join us as she has to look after spiderman at home! :(
(nephew in disguise! Ha!)
Meeee!! Joany!! Yi Li!! Crab!!Its us again! wee!
TWISTER on the beach?!?
LOOK! who's caught snacking!!!
My art piece! (^-^)
(2nd update) Candid shots took @ wisma indochine with horsey on 11 Aug 2007 =*)
Take 1
Take 2
Take 3
(3rd update) i heard that there will be a fireworks competition near marina/esplanade this coming weekend! Competition between china & dunno where... haha! so i decided to go marina bay eat yummy steamboat! since i've been craving for this steamboat since dunno when... (^o^) hehe!Date: 18 August 2007
Day: Saturday
Time: 7.00pm
Venue: Marina Bay "Zhen Fa Huo Hai Xian"
People who happen to read my post are all invited k! Especially those in the photo below! wahaha! YOU ARE WANTED!!! And please pass this msg to the others, dun act blur... I noe you are reading our blog... lolx! I believe u all dun need me to msg 1 by 1 right! COMON.!! We only have 1 more year to becoming an adult! *omg* please let me stay 18 forever! *pray* So what are you people still waiting for huh! Show your own initiative and contact me k! or should i say please?!? ;p**the more the merrier =)
-fAnG tInG-
bought some donuts from Missy Donut at bbp..tada~ tis is e D.I.Y bk tat i gave to ch.. cover page (",)
self intro of us
his bdae last yr
few months anniversary
candid shots.. very funny :)
sakae trip & low mood dae :(
6th month anniversary of us & fireworks trip
his n.W.o gang & our 1st sentosa trip
sentosa trip - con't
all e du jia's.. Hee :p
recent pics..
ending of e D.I.Y bk..
so proud of my work piece.. it's by ahcai u see ^.^
tis is e 'xiao dou' tat i mentioned before.. isn't he cute?
only tink unchanged is his dimples.. LOL!
oishi blueberry + strawberry favour hokkaido ice cream ^.^
tis is our company's 'family tree', done by mi.. D.I.Y sia >.<took a photo jus before my digi cam run out of batt :p
there's Willie, June, mi & Terence on e pic :)
Shei Shei's group: Shei Shei, Angela, Elaine, Grace & Rajoo (left to right)
Ping Kee's group: Linda, Chun Hong, Szee Ying & Ping Kee (clockwise direction)
Steve's group: Chee Way, Terence, Steve & Fang Fang (left to right)
Tax Dept: MayLing, Lawrence & Cynthia (clockwise direction)
Took a photo wif Carinthia & gang (",)
Individuals photos.. Cool~
Wati & June on candid.. Smile :)
Tis pic looks a bit blur.. Haha.. >.<
e card from my colleges
inside view
all e wishings from dem..
Aww~ so sweet of u all.. I'll miss u all too :(
an adidas bag jus in time for mi to bring to sch (",)
a golden packet from my lady boss & her wishings :)
gift from my audit manager Andrew..
Andrew's blessings..
It's a passion fruit combo bath set from body shop..
consist of body scrub, body butter, bath gel & soap.. so touched..
another gift from colleges as well.. their blessings on e wrapping paper..
it's a brand from Parker..
a name card holder & a pen..