Today, I jus had my 4th exam paper and I really felt good and relieved. Despite e fact tat I still had 2 more papers :( which e last one is only gonna end on 7th Dec.
Did I mentioned tat I purchased online clothes again on another website? Haha.. I've really been poisoned. U see, e website says tat e goods would be delivered around 3 days but.. it's been e 6th day since i had ordered and there's still no news at all. Seriously, I was super looking forward to receiving them but.. Nvm..
One thing to mention is tat it's really cheap. Cheaper den e last website tat i've recommended. A dress or top could simply cost $12 to $14. Nothing more den $20 (except bags or accessories). Weili even bought a few together with mi but unfortunately, only 1 out of her 2 orders are available. I got 4 items. Oops! E only bad pt is tat u have to order more den 15 pieces as it's a wholesale thing.
The fact is: You get items tat don't look cheap!

weili's order: M2pc chiffon dress at $13.40

Tier layer sash dress at $12.50

Tie-dye crochet dress at $13.10

Navy collar dress at $12.80

Lacy blend top at $12.50
For those interested:
4 DOWN and 2 more to go!